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Old 01-07-2011, 07:23 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 289

I quit work to babysit for grandbaby #2, three days a week - waited 15 long years between grandbaby #1 and #2! After committing to watch the new granddaughter to be, my other daughter announced SHE was pregnant too! Watched both, 3 days a week, one 3 months old and one 5 months old. (Got a little crazy "occasionally"!) After a year and a half, I cut it to two days a week. Now I babysit from 8am til 5:00pm or 6:00pm and I love it, but the days are a little too long. I am also an hour away, so also two hours driving each day. They are now almost five (HOW did that happen?!) and will both be in full time kindergarten in the fall. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed but am happy I am doing it and being such a big part of their lives. The hugs, kisses and giggles are soooo worth all the frustration!! Grandbaby #4 got here last week!
I will take care of him on the same days, not sure how we will work it out in the fall! They grow up TOO fast . . . !! Treasure the moments!!
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