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Old 01-08-2011, 07:16 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Westerville, Ohio
Posts: 711

we met at a friends party. Actually, I was dating the friend, Cliff, and he kept flirting with another girl at his party, so I decided to show him how it felt. I started flirting with my DH and he took me home that night. He was kind of a nerd, but handsome and smart and boy he could kiss. We dated all through highschool until he left for college--we broke up and I started dating & married the boy next door. After he passed away from heart problems,my brother ran into my DH who did not know what had happened. DH had moved back home, just did not like living away at college. Anyway, my brother told me to call him, and when we went shopping one night, he would not let me back into the car until I promised to do so. Well, called DH the next night, talked for hours & agreed to meet 2 days later at the local bowling alley. It was like we were never apart and he asked me to marry him the next day. 36 years later, I love him more now than ever. I am so lucky
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