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Old 01-08-2011, 08:26 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by DebsShelties
I am wondering if the new plastic bag tax goes thru with the new congress (20 cents PER bag) if fabric stores will be charging for that also.
Seems one guy tried to get the plastic bags outlawed, didn't work so now he wants to impose another tax on the people.
They said on the news that it is mainly aimed at grocery stores, but I have a feeling it would be any retail operation that uses plastic bags.
We the people are getting taxed to death and beyond.
If they do that, I'll be making reusable bags from the uglier parts of my stash. I should have done it by now, except I reuse the plastic ones for cleaning the cat litter and picking up after the dogs, and will have to come up with another plan.
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