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Old 01-08-2011, 09:21 PM
okie quilter
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by fidgety
Ok so after the big hit yesterday of not being released by the doc to go back to work and then work deciding to fire me because of it.. Blah Blah Blah.......

Fed ex knocked on my door..... then the mail lady knocked on my door... Woooo Hooooo so much for being depressed...
A new toy that I ordered before I lost my job. :wink:
( Think I should send it back or keep it?)

Then my sis from Iowa sent me a care package. (Good timing mailing out that package sis!)
So now this evening I will set down and read over my instructions for my new toy and eat my Sterzings chips and dip... I will worry about being depressed tomorrow. lol..
sorry about the being sick then losing your job situation. i highly recommend keeping your new go baby. i just got one and am lusting for all the dies. i love it and am cutting a stash from the leaves die in batiks of greens, oranges and yellows/browns. will add to ufo's. wished i had a buddy who lived closer so we could share dies. let me know about your first project with your new baby. your friend, johnnye
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