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Old 01-15-2011, 06:03 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 188

I could not have what stash that I have but recently with the economy the way it is, I have added a new technique to my way of doing things. 1. I went through some of the pattern of quilts that I wanted to make in the future. These were not the ones that had due dates but ones I was interested in trying.2. After that I cut down the list to ones that could be made scrappy. These included hugs and kisses, french braid, log cabin and bow ties. 3 In my sewing room I went and found all my scraps and started cutting the pieces that I would need for these quilts depending on the size of the scrap. These all went into seperate zip locks for each project. I am not done yet with all my scraps but I have enough for 1 row of each of these patterns for the future. They will be my scrapbook of all the projects that I have done even the clothes I sewed for the kids as babies.. So now as I finish a project I can just find the right pieces and recreate new art. I am also using the ones that are 2 small for the postage stamp blocks for stuffing pillows. Si no piece is too small to use. I am using my stash but I am using every strip,block and crumb.
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