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Old 01-15-2011, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by sewingsuz
can you imagine the good stuff people must throw away. I mean throw in the trash. They don't even try to give it away to neighbors or friends or the thrift shop. They are to lazy and just toss it.
Are you FU$%^ing kidding me? How can you stereotype people like that when you don't even know them. Just because we don't keep it for ourselves does not mean we throw it away and it doesn't mean that we are LAZY! Just because I do not keep every little tiny crumble of fabric doesn't mean that I am LAZY. It means I am NOT a hoarder, and I DON'T keep trash in my house. I have the money to blow on whatever I want. HOWEVER I CHOOSE!!!!! not to. Would you go buy a new couch if you didn't have the room for one? or if it was going to set out in the garage and NEVER get used. I guess some people would. However some of us use our minds wisely and we choose not to waste our money on something that we may never get around to using.

Further more the comments saying that she is "SICK" or that she has "LOST HER QUILTING WINGS" or that she is not as worthy of a quilter....are you KIDDING ME? This isn't a race. If you were to die today, your dead can't take it with you and its not going to pay for your funeral. I find it SICK that people would spend so much time and money GATHERING.....just gathering fabric. How is that healthy?

hoard (hôrd, hrd)
A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.
v. hoard·ed, hoard·ing, hoards
To gather or accumulate a hoard.
1. To accumulate a hoard of.
2. To keep hidden or private.

Just because your house doesn't look like those on TV doesn't mean you don't have a problem.

I will be leaving this "race" now cause it is painfully obvious that this is about who has the most to spend on fabric.
To the MODS, maybe you could start a board just for those who hoard fabric. I know I am tired of seeing five or six posts a day about people and their stash.
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