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Old 01-16-2011, 06:29 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 18,726

I tend to not shop where the people are rude or unfriendly to my DH who will be with me. They need to provide a nice place for him to sit comfortably too, or else I won't stay very long.

I like to see a variety of fabric types, not just the style that the owner "prefers".

I love lots of notions and gadgets- all the lastest with demos on how to use them- but don't beat me over the head with them. If I want, I'll buy it...don't ask me 10 times!

A variety of classses--not just beginner type classes. We who have a little experience under our belts still like to learn and get together too- I'm just NOT going to go to a Turning Twenty class...

My favorite thing is simply the fact that you are open. In small towns..regular hours of any business seem to be a real challenge. If you aren't open regularly- post those hours and then stick to what you post. I personally don't like that businesses are not open on Mondays--why??? Does the $$ you make on Monday not spend as well???

Congrats on your dream and best of luck...I wish you lived in MY town!
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