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Old 01-16-2011, 01:04 PM
Lady Shivesa
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Well, as you an see from what most people are saying the Nook is cool if you want to be able to get library books on it.

Working at Best Buy, I get this question ALL the time.

But from what you're saying (don't like the touch screen, do like keyboard, etc), the Kindle might be a good option.

My favorite part about e-readers in general is that they are very friendly toward new authors/self-publishers. I have one writer friend (I'ma writer myself, though I haven't published any ebooks yet) who has one out on Kindle's website (check it out: Keary Taylor's 'Branded.').

Either way, I think you will definitely be satisfied. :) Both the Nook and the Kindle hold well over 1,000 books! O.o
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