Old 01-17-2011, 11:48 AM
The Creative Seamstress
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 364

Hello again everyone! I'm so sorry I've had to be MIA for awhile, we finally just got back full scale and reliable Comcast Internet Services. HOoray! Now they owe me some serious service credits (but that's a whole other story notwithstanding this most recent outage). I'm hoping that this BS doesn't happen again anytime soon. Living at the Library or perpetually caffinated at a Starbucks is really no way to live just to have periodic internet access, LOL. (Particularly at Starbucks, it's not cheap!)

In any event, just wanted to check in with you all and see how things are going... since I'd not been on recently I did not have the chance to vote for the group's name and/or did not post an official request to have everyone "vote" by the last deadline, so today I am making that request official amongst us all.

Please come on to the thread and post your "official vote", or you can PM it to me if for some reason you'd prefer... and we'll have an official name as of 10pm Friday 01/21/2011.

My personal vote is for: "The Rockin Rowers"

I've seen others support for this name as well - but would like confirmation if this is a true concensus as I do know we all change our minds now and again, and I know that several other suggestions have come up as well... so please make sure to vote for your preference.

As so long has passed since we've had an official name, I feel it's time that we move ahead from "TBD" LOL, so - if there aren't "official votes" that are posted by this Friday 01/21 by 09:59pm CDT, I feel it would be fair to "in default", name the group with the name that already has the most support from previous postings. However, I believe in a democracy here, so I'd like to give everyone one last chance to certify their final vote. :-D

Posting a little on my rows progress thus far, I've been traveling this past week so much I haven't had as much time at home to work on it as I originally planned... (I'm in the process of potentially changing employers) so I've been really, really hella busy with sudden interviews that have me going everywhere etc. However, after catching up online today, I plan later on to sew up one of the blocks that's been on my design board for some time after having tweaked it some, and hope to get some more momentum on it. I've thus far written/designed plans for 3 of my 5 blocks (today I'll sew the three I have done), so I'll be spending the next few days hopefully getting to finalize my base row and cutting materials for the last 2 blocks - in the end to hopefully have a completed row I am personally ok with, LOL.

That's all I've got on my personal end for now, and I look forward to checking in with you shortly to see how everyone else in our group is doing in general and with their respective rows.

Explosive blessings, abundance and inspiration to you all!
- The Creative Seamstress
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