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Old 01-17-2011, 11:47 PM
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Originally Posted by denise d
Had one with both of my kids.... did not really need it for either.

If she thinks she wants one, absolutely get one. I just recommend having an open mind and seeing if it is as bad as she thinks it will be
I agree...I would wait to see if it's really necessary.
I think a lot of first time mothers are amazed at how soon they "forget" labor pain. I wouldn't recommend it early in labor as it sometimes stops the process. But whatever she is comfortable with should be the guage.

I am another who went through over 20 hours of pretty good labor with a pitocin drip added on to find out that my son was transvers with his head wedged in my hip. Finally got the epidural and my son was delivered with forceps ... yes I do know that they are not used now, but I knew my doctor was experienced with them with no problems and my son is just fine. I'm sure today I would have been whisked off for a c-section.
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