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Old 01-19-2011, 09:53 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 21

Just be careful living overseas. Had a great neice who was chosen to teach English over in a Japanese school. Said all expenses paid, good salary, housing and transportation provided. She had just finished college, so excited to be chose and was on her way. Well, seems that when she arrived, after traveling so many hours tofind out the run down taxi had to deliver her to a school in a far out region. When she was dropped off it was a very run down one room house, electrical cords exposed, no running water and the only transportation was her feet or get a bicycle. Needless to say they did "embelish" about how "great it was going to be". She couldn't get any sleep that night, tried to walk to her place of employment the next day to find out it was over six miles. She broke down, called her mom crying. She found transportation to the airport and flew home to NY again right away. So don't think everything that seems glamorous will turn out to be so. The grass is usally not greener on the other side. Also watch your phone calls, believe it or not her international phone bill for those few days was over $1,400. Good luck to you and God bless you.
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