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Old 01-19-2011, 12:47 PM
feline fanatic
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Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
Originally Posted by kwilter
I'm wondering if you are having this much difficulty getting a passport, how will you manage for yourself in a foreign country where you don't even know the language? Maybe your mom is right....maybe you are NOT ready for this?
Originally Posted by Alu_Rathbone
I went through US Post Office website (the one by the school does passports and what not)and they sent me to the official website and I was so confused! I was able to get the cost though.

I'm trying to figure this out because my mom might be able to do this one after income taxes are done... I'm in the middle of a job search so that I can afford the down payment for the program... and save enough money for the flight (there and home) and to have enough spending money and transportation money (I'm going to stay with a family so that I learn the language a little faster) I'm also seeing if I can take a course over the summer and fall or in the fall, at College of DuPage (a great community college) so that I have some back ground in the langauge.

The school that I am going to be attending does NOT require you to know the language, I will be put in intensive language classes... but since I might be doing fall 2012, I can take two courses next year, it's just a matter of getting there.
Shinsetsu to kangaete kudasai (Please Regard Me Kindly)

IF you had been paying attention to any of the postings, you would know that hte school teaches in both English and Japanese, I won't be going to fall 2012, and I would be taking classes for two semesters in the Japanese language. I've read the stories of plenty of students who have gone on the same program who did not even know the language, with no background at all with the language and they did fine. I happen to have a slight background with it... I can say a few things... not enough to get me by, but enough just the same. I really don't mean to sound rude, but I don't appreciate people who just assume that if I'm having trouble filling out the paperwork for a Passport that I wouldn't be able to handle going to a foreign country. For the record my mother had the same qualms with me leaving home to live on a college campus that is about a half hour away.

Even students who know the language can go to a foreign country and still have a hard time with fitting in with the locals.

I believe I'll be fine. I don't mean to sound rude, so I'm sorry.

Unfortunately you did sound rude, very rude. And reactions like that would not fly in Japan's culture.
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