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Old 01-20-2011, 09:46 AM
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I don't know if your husband hunts or fishes but I have found that some guys think it is their right to spend tons of money on this activity. In a lot of cases it's a male bonding of men drinking, eating and farting. If they don't get a deer or fish they have nothing to show for all that time and money. But we have a quilt and maybe have a gift to give. I don't really think that you sitting with your husband while he watches TV is time well spent. I don't think you are having meaningful conversations. My husband spends hour in the basement playing his music and I'm just fine with that. My hubby does cost more then his but that is too bad. I don't smoke , shop, by shoes or spend money on anything else. If he wants to spend time with you he should come up with an activity or date night that he can spend time with you. Ok, I admit you opened a can of worms for me. He needs to get a life, what would he do if something happened to you and you were gone? He would still sit and watch TV all by himself.
Enough said. Thanks for letting me vent.
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