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Old 01-20-2011, 04:43 PM
cheryl rearick
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Silver Springs, NV
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well, maybe do with no TY and no quilting-sewing for a spell and see what happens. Some Times, we need to be patient and take the shoe from the other foot, gently. After a few days of no TV, maybe he will agree one habit is really no different than the other. TV can be a learning experience, so won't say a negative there. Sewing is also a learning experience.... Suggest making a date once or twice a week for just time for the two of YOU, no sewing or TV, go for a soda, coffee maybe visiting. What ever you do, do it in love, it will increase, negative will destroy. Reminds me of a time, my hubby forbid me to go to church or bible study, ( I could have gone against him) I told him, you can take everything away, but not the Jesus in me, well one day abt 2 months later, he came home early asking why I was not at bible study. I reminded him, (he forgot) he said get ready, I will drive you, He then went in and asked a room full of ladies to forgive him... Not trying to be preachy, suggesting honey works better than matter the right or wrong. (((hugs)) to you and what your going through. :)
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