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Old 01-20-2011, 05:28 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by diannemc
My Darling? Husband is a TV person..He has no hobbies...Watching TV is all he does when not working...I am not!!..I love my sewing..He has always hated my sewing...
I don't know why except maybe the money it takes and the time it takes away from him...(and maybe the pins he has had to pull out of his barefoot a time or two :oops:)
Well the other day I finished a quilt and showed it to him.. He said "Thank goodness you are through".. I am sick of all this quilting..It use to be sewing now quilting... I wish you would just stop it..." I just turned and looked him square in the eyes and said.."Quilting makes me happy....and trust me....You want me to be happy..." Am I the only one here who has a hard time with a husband who doesn't understand to joy of quilting??
I had a little problem like this when my DH and I married. He knew I sewed all the time and seemed to be proud of it until after the wedding. I finally decided if a lot of my company was what he wanted then get it he would. I turned off the TV got out games, cards, books and anything else I could think of and had him spend time with me on my terms. After about four weeks he began to complain about not getting to watch TV anymore. I kindly told him if I couldn't sew in my spare time then he could not watch TV in his. We were either going to have equal rights or we would only have one and that would be togetherness until we both choaked. DH said he had never thought of it like that and actually told me he was sorry for being so selfish. I loved this man to distraction but his hobby was not mine and my hobby was not his. That is why we fell in love in the first place, we were different and had different things we were interested in. My husband never complained again about me reading in the room where he was watching TV either.

AFter DH saw how important this was to me he always made sure I got to go to quilting shops on every trip we ever took. I worked full time for 35 years and enjoyed getting to drown myself in my sewing but my husband had decided he would never retire so I guess that is the reason he felt as he did at first. I think DH thought I would just work beside him until I died like he planned on doing but I knew I wanted some down time and did not want to work like he did. I think he though I should want what he wanted but he did not want what I wanted.

After we decided to really discuss what our differences were on my sewing and him watching TB we both seemed to enjoy each others down town. I began to watch some shows with him and he actually would come and sit in my sewing room and watching me. One Christmas morning I did not see a gift under our tree for me from him. He led me into my sewing room and there sat a brand new flat screen TB beautifully placed so we could watch TV together in the sewing room. Two nice comfortable chairs, table with lamp and of course my new TV which I could see from my machine or my chair. This just made me love him more. He did get how much I loved sewing and I did get how much he enjoyed relaxing with his TV. I guess he decided if he could'nt beat this situation he would join. I always seemed to enjoy TV more after all of this had been worked out.
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