Old 01-21-2011, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by wesing
Almost every magazine we have subscribed to in the last several years has been obnoxious about renewing. Most of them start sending renewal notices almost as soon as the first issue of the subscription is mailed out. Nothing on the renewal notices gives you a clue when your subscription really expires. I bet if you didn't pay attention they would let you renew into the next millenium. If you want to subscribe to any magazine, you need to keep track of what you paid and when you're paid through.

Sorry you had this happen; try to enjoy the battle.

I have had the same experience with getting renewal notices almost immediately after starting a subscription. I also notice that all the quilting magazines seem to have the same subscription service. I almost fell into their trap and renewed until I noticed a little thing on my address label on the magazine. It said M/J 11 - in other words my subscription was good through the May/June issue of 2011. I have just about decided that I am going to cancel my 3 quilting magazine subscriptions rather than be hasseled constantly about renewals!
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