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Old 01-22-2011, 08:50 PM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: slaton, texas
Posts: 752

My husband supports my quilting hobby. He even wants to quilt on the long arm. He likes quilt shows but doesn't care for fabric stores. He gritches about my stash all of the time. If he likes the quilts and wants to make some himself, why does hate my stash so much? I posted about mystash on another thread. He supports everything about the quilting but my fabric bugs the heck out of him. He even helped me fix cabinets and little bolt boards to wrap my fabric on, with enthusiam might I add. He has his intrestes to keep him busy all day and most of the nite. It is me who asks him to watch tv programs with me. I spend my own money on my habit. I paid for the longarm with the money my dad left me (not much but enough for the machine) then I spent money I had saved for a long time for the larger frame. I work as a substitute and as a home health care giver to support my habit. He resents the nites I spend doing the caregiver gigs because he doesn't like for me to be away from home at nite. What the heck? He doesn't spend that time with me anyhow. But he has taught me to keep myself happy because of his habit of being involved with his own interests. Dr Phil says people teach people how to treat them.
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