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Old 01-23-2011, 11:24 PM
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Oh my gosh that explains my husbands cancer scare! I told him not to do this but he was the expert!

Originally Posted by LaineyBelle

My husband's family always used it for anything that hurt, he said it was a home remedy they always used. So when I had a cold sore in my mouth, he told me to rinse my mouth out with it. So I did, for 4 days, then I looked in my mouth - it looked like someone had taken a seam ripper and ripped the inside of my cheek from the back tooth to the front tooth. I thought I had cancer or something. It scared me so bad, I got an appointment to see the doctor the next day. He didn't see it at first because he looked down my throat. Then I showed him and he was shocked by the way it looked. He said not to use it in your mouth like that. I killed off all the good bacteria and chemically burned the inside of my mouth. It has been 2 weeks now and it still hasn't healed yet. If you have to use peroxide, use one that is dulited. You can get it at the drug store.

When I was little and had ear aches, my mom made a little ball of pepper in a cloth and put warm oil on it and put that in our ears. That worked for us. We had ear aches all the time. She cut a circle out of the fabric, then put pepper in it, used a string to tie it up, then heated oil in a spoon and put the ball of pepper in it. It stayed warm long enough for us to go to sleep.
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