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Old 01-24-2011, 05:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Horseladyquilter
My favorite method to do Sq. in a Sq is to:

Cut 2 squares the size I want my center square to be. Cut one out of the center square fabric and one out of the fabric you are using for your first row of triangles. Place the squares right sides together and pin. Sew around the outside of the square - 1/4" in. seam. I usually sew down one side and back up the opposite side, then do the other two opposite sides.

With the triangle fabric side up, and using a quilt marker and ruler, draw a diagonal line from corner to opposite corner. Then draw another diagonal connecting the remaining two corners. You will have an X in the center of your square.

Pull up a little on the center of the triangle fabric to separate the two squares, and snip on one of the lines. Cut through all the lines all the way to the corners of the triangle square, becareful not to cut through your center square fabric. Only cut the top layer.

Press open. Sometimes I cut the ears off and sometimes I don't.

Measure your new square and cut a square of your next fabric to match that. Repeat the instructions for the first square.

Then you may either repeat again, or start putting your straight pieces around the square.

I usually start with a 5 1/2" center square so I can do a small embroidery in it. With the first triangles pressed up, I have a 7" square and with the second row of triangles, a 9" square. You can, of course, use any size starting center you wish to. I find this easy and fast. Great for me because I'm not very good with triangles!
absolutely painless way to do SIS' every time...
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