Thread: cutting gloves
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Old 01-26-2011, 02:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Ps 150
I should say that while my girls use the Klutz glove, they have their own rulers and each one has either a built in lip for safety or I've added the O-Lipfa safety lip. They, praise God, have never had an accident but when the rotary cutter slips, it hits the lip and hasn't actually come into contact with the glove but it's there, just the same. And, whenever they're using their rotary cutters, this overly cautious/worrisome mama is standing right behind and over them to catch the ruler or blade if it slips.
:-D What a good idea to use a glove for the chidren! My kids like to sew with me from time to time but I don't let them rotary cut - with a glove maybe they could. They're 8 and 6. :-D And like you, I'd be hovering over their shoulders! :lol:
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