Old 01-26-2011, 03:54 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Washington State
Posts: 12

Originally Posted by seweasy
Hi! Bucksie, So glad you joined the forum and us too. Its a great group of sewers! How long have you been using EQ and what version do you have?
I didn't realize so many companies had fabrics that could shown in EQ. I've not used the fabric libraries because I wondered how hard to find a particular fabric that you really liked. And I didn't trust my computer to give a true respresentation of the color in the fabric. I'm so used to working with what I can find in the stores, its hard to think about fabrics and buying without seeing them. Chris
Sorry, i haven't been online lately...Do you want me to share how i do it? of coarse i don't mind at all sitting at computer during my fabric download frenzies (spelL?) And i have discovered just how easy it is to just get EXACTLY WHAT I NEED for colors, however i think my next quilt i will be using fabric from same line..Yea, but when my quilts done, i will send you a pic of my EQ version and the finished version, and not much difference...plus, i like sites where the swatch shows the fiber...HEY i found yet another company today...."MAKOWER" .. if you look at the top bar (dark color) in mid way point...it says "free downloads" (which i did not see last visit)..and VOILE! there was all their collections set up the same way but with a zip file attachment for the collection!...they had quite a few collections from andover...N i am not a big fan of makower fabrics (only couple)..but I would say to all those fabric companies, retailers, who put their name across a swatch, or ruler, or don't let you in to preview fabrics, I WON'T BUY THERE! I love to see and work with the fabric, which i the ONLY reason i bought EQ (im sure i will find more)..So I remember the sites that offer zip files, or at least swatches that are worthy of import... Heck, i don't even mind cropping with btw download "irfanview" and using mouse to create a box to catch repeats (not on all fabrics) and edit>crop wont resize your swatch smaller then whats it's sapose to be (such as fab lib - easy, but with irfanview i can see every single swatch i import and can cut down on file size of imports.)

I love importing all the new fabrics (provided they are available in large jpegs...which my list of places has been growing every day.) with as many swatches as i have been able to download lately, I don't think i will ever have to buy "stash" again..plus i get only the lines i want, and only import to use (if EQ running slow) ...Me loose in a fabric store isn't pretty..thats when my adhd works against me..lol..

Let me know if you run into any other sites that offer zip file or nice size files, and if your interested i can share my list..maybe your not as crazy as i am over playing with fabric! yikes! (i can't get enough of gypsy bandana series....and california!)

Talk to you soon!
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