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Old 01-26-2011, 08:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Izy
Well some of you might know but most of you won't that I have had to rebuild my stash this year after having to leave's a long story!!


Over the last few months AND with some help from a couple of wonderful fabric angels on here, I have been gradually building a new stash, from re-cycled clothing from charity shops and car boots etc. SO I progressed to ebay, and was managing to find bits of fabrics for reasonable prices (Only one shop near me, not much stock and PRICEY!)...

Well a couple of days ago, I spots some lovely fabrics being listed at good prices and managed to win a few pieces, on contacting the seller she said she would reduce the P & P accordingly. Next thing I get another email back, saying she couldn't figure out what to do!! No problem I said, if you have more fabric, just send me more! (Are ya'll still with me...LOL)

Next email says, she has lots of fabric to sell as her dear Mum had passed away and they kept finding fabric stashed all over the place ...yep we all know about that tee hee!!

Well we hit it off and before know it I am sitting her Dad's lovely apartment drinking tea with them like we had known each other forever..!

Well below is what I came home with:

Approximately 90 yards of fabric!
Lots of notions, including 4 cutting mats, rotary cutter and new blade, Marti Mitchell Interlocking Hex template, plus her Set G hexagon template set and book, LOTs of square templates, flexi rulers oh the list goes on!!

I am sure that her dear Mum looking down from heaven,
will be so pleased her beloved fabrics and notions have come to an avid quilter :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Can't wait to see what you do with so many purples.
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