Thread: 99% positive...
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Old 01-26-2011, 11:02 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Dallas area, Texas, USA
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Originally Posted by moonwork42029
... I have seen so many dang pretties and doies...

I have never ever seen such beautiful work and beautiful hearted folks. I have seen so much help being offered when questions are raised and have seen differences of opinions...which is why everyone's quilt looks different.

The tutorials have given me insight on the hows and whys and I really appreciate the time and energy folks have put into doing them.
I have given this site's name to both our local quilt shops and even to a couple ladies in the sewing sections of Walmart, bragging like it was my own child.

Yes, I too love this board and I am never bored with it. Thanks for making me feel welcome :)
Ditto to all that. I've only been here a few weeks, and I so enjoy the way many of you express yourselves, and this from moonwork is just one sweet example.

Don't know who was complaining about b$#ch fest, but if they mean that some people come here feeling secure enough with understanding friends and can therefore mention negative things along with positive, that's what I have noticed, and I don't call that a b$#ch fest. It does not seem like a bad thing at all for people to have a way to vent frustrations. I've seen several complain that their loved ones don't always seem to understand or appreciate the effort that goes into a quilt, for example, and it's a very good thing to know there are others who are sure to sympathize with that. Where else could they turn with that hurt, and why shouldn't they? Nobody is forcing anyone to read it.

I kind of think it would be possible to be selective in what topics you look at and mostly avoid the downside of anything, if that's what meets your needs. One thing this site has a whole lot of is VARIETY!
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