Old 01-27-2011, 09:16 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Help! Advice needed. I've got all sorts of "kiddie" prints I bought when my grand children were small and I've started using the unused to make quilts for kids. I also had a lot of fleece with soccer balls on it and I used it for backing for several, omitting any batting. Now a fleece sale is coming up and with the prices being offered it will be MUCH cheaper than batting and I've used up my larger batting pieces I have on hand. I've made a blanket (more a cuddle blanket only) using a fun print backed with fleece.

Does cotton material sewn onto fleece last OK? Any problems that you could warn me about? (Besides needing to clean my machine more frequently?) Advice please.

Also, you have to know that my quilts for charity are sooo much simpler than the ones others seem to be making. I make a panel out of a fun print, border it with a color that matches, use the same fabric as backing (unless I use fleece), try to use a fun stitch that fits for quilting and in half a day I'm done. If I ever run out of the fun prints I will be reduced to using up my smaller pieces and that should be fun also.
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