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Old 01-29-2011, 07:59 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by diannemc
My Darling? Husband is a TV person..He has no hobbies...Watching TV is all he does when not working...I am not!!..I love my sewing..He has always hated my sewing...
I don't know why except maybe the money it takes and the time it takes away from him...(and maybe the pins he has had to pull out of his barefoot a time or two :oops:)
Well the other day I finished a quilt and showed it to him.. He said "Thank goodness you are through".. I am sick of all this quilting..It use to be sewing now quilting... I wish you would just stop it..." I just turned and looked him square in the eyes and said.."Quilting makes me happy....and trust me....You want me to be happy..." Am I the only one here who has a hard time with a husband who doesn't understand to joy of quilting??
Just tell him this.......Would you rather me be quilting or out picking up guys that appreciate me quilting? At least he knows where you are and if he needed something he knows where to find you.

My wife really encourages my hobbies and never says anything about them. If anything she is an enabler as such........

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