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Old 01-30-2011, 04:48 PM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Washington, PA
Posts: 687

We have netflix and just love it. I get a new DVD about every 3 days. The service is great. Order your DVD on line (I always have a bout 15 in my "queue"). When you are finished watching, simply pop back in your mailbox and it automatically goes to the next movie you have in your queue. BTW, they pay for all the postage.

We have not had a landline in 4 years. We both had company paid cell phones and when I was laid off 3 years ago, I purchased a Tracphone system. Good phones, no contracts and renew minutes as you need them. My cell phone bill was over $60.00 per month, it has dropped to $74 every two to two and half months.

We just purchased a new TV and we also purchased a new system called Google TV. It was $300 (One time charge) but you can get online on your TV. It comes with a mini keyboard. So anything that is on the net, you can access through your TV. Eliminates the need for your wireless laptop balancoing on your lap!!!! I can' wait to watch Netflix on there. Plus all the tutorials on You Tube, accessing email, being on the board while wtching my fav TV show...oh my. I love the new technology!
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