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Old 01-31-2011, 07:32 PM
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Originally Posted by diannemc
My Darling? Husband is a TV person..He has no hobbies...Watching TV is all he does when not working...I am not!!..I love my sewing..He has always hated my sewing...
I don't know why except maybe the money it takes and the time it takes away from him...(and maybe the pins he has had to pull out of his barefoot a time or two :oops:)
Well the other day I finished a quilt and showed it to him.. He said "Thank goodness you are through".. I am sick of all this quilting..It use to be sewing now quilting... I wish you would just stop it..." I just turned and looked him square in the eyes and said.."Quilting makes me happy....and trust me....You want me to be happy..." Am I the only one here who has a hard time with a husband who doesn't understand to joy of quilting??
No you are not--that's why I never get to quilt--sewing machine is "too noisy" while he sits at the computer playing games.
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