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Old 02-02-2011, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Cheshirecatquilter
I have a large deck with several bird feeders on it in the winter. Look whooo was waiting patiently for the restaurant to open this morning when I opened the blinds. The trees were filled with birds sitting motionless and silent, hoping he wouldn't notice any of them. It would be a great day to sew, but we have a half day of school, and then it will be time to deal with the two-day snowstorm we are just beginning to get, plowing driveways, shoveling walkways and roofs. No time for simple pleasures.
Beautiful owl. I bet someone on this board could take that picture and turn it into a quilt! It looks cold .... makes our 20 degree temps in south Texas seem like the tropics!
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