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Old 02-10-2011, 01:39 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: The Great Pacific Northwest
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Thank you all for your warm thoughts and hugs for Jake. He was my baby dog. I bought two Kong toys and a pull toy for Bailey today. I had two memory teddy bears (one made from clothing of my Mom's...the other made from clothing of my Dad's) sitting on my dresser. I must have been sleeping really hard as I didn't even wake up when my husband turned on the light. I SO didn't sleep the first night he was here. I wanted to be able to get up quickly if he needed to do his thing. :wink: He not only got up and got the teddy bears down, but he pulled shoes out of the closet. Actually he's house trained pretty far as pottying goes. The lady who had him before us was beginning to train him to hit the dangling bell on the door when he wanted out. We showed him a few times and he'll do it now. He doesn't mess in the house during the night (I'm sure there will be an accident or two) and has been terrific during the day. The chewing is going to drive me nuts!! :shock: Hard to get used to after having old dogs for so long. But he sure keeps me going! :D In the past, we have had 4 goldens and 2 chocolates. Thought about a smaller dog... but just couldn't do it.
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