Thread: A "Nattyism"
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Old 02-14-2011, 05:58 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Central Wisconsin
Posts: 718

I also love to listen to little kids and how they talk. They are also the most honest people around also. They sometimes can sure make a parents face as red as can be. We had a baby that did not digest his food (because of serious health issues) and he was always gasy and had liquid stools all the time. Sometimes he would have what my husband called a "liquid fart". So our older two sons grew up hearing this all the time. One time we are in the doctors office and a elderly man passed gas, and our oldest son (4 at the time) goes up to him and asked him if he just had a liquid fart? This same child, at age 3... came with me to the airport to drop my mother and her sister off for a trip to California, and we stayed to watch their plane take off and when he saw that he was so excited. It was dead silence in the airport restaurant (very small airport in WI), and it was us and 5 other people... my son at the top of his lungs..hollers out... HOLY BALLS.. 4 of the people laughed until they had very proper English woman, was totally shocked.
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