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Old 02-14-2011, 06:22 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 98

Originally Posted by Divokittysmom
Oh boy..... if I could only say I hadn't ' been there done that', before!
Funny story... at least I can laugh about it now; I used to make Country Victorian Bunnies and Bears and all their clothing and dress them to 'the Nines' and sell them. I came to a point one day where I was so backed up on orders I decided rushing thru things was in order. I could hear my mom and grandma in my subconscience saying; 'Haste makes Waste'.... telling myself to focus I put the pedal to the metal. All was going quite well until it was time to put Miss Bunnies head on.. I should say I thought all was going well! I stitched her precious little head onto her body and thought, wow, all done now I can make the clothing! As I turned everything right side out I noticed something was amiss; Miss Bunny had a rather odd look to her, her head was facing to the right! I double checked with a sinking feeling and yes... her head was put on slightly askew. :?: So here goes, rip out the seam, turn it the proper way and stitch it back on 10 mins of work and she will be fine. 'Not so much', as the kids say today, her head was now facing backwards! :shock: I am totally serious!! Okay as if that wasn't dumb enough when I tore it out again and re-stitched, her head was facing left.:oops:
Well, I only had one more turn left to make it correct. BINGO!!! I finally got her head on correctly!! You talk about your dumb mistakes!! I should have prefaced this by saying I had a teen age daughter chattering away at me telling me all her latest tales.. and I was trying to be a good mom and listen while trying to go full steam ahead... (no pun intended) on my bunny project.
So if you ever think you have made a big boo boo just think of how big a mistake I made.. hopefully you will all feel better about yours.
And just one last thing... I really really am an intelligent person... :-D LOL... just had one of THOSE days! At least I can say I didn't duplicate the problem ever again!! :-D
When I put the bunny head facing one direction I just left it that way and pretended it was what I intended.
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