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Old 02-15-2011, 07:12 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Join Date: May 2009
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No the Warden feels that Pink is a calming color and being surrounded by it, uniforms and all, is why he has so few trouble makers.
I've heard some jails have or had "pink" rooms to calm down violent customers long enough to be fingerprinted and photographed. And some time ago I read about experiments in a school for the blind. The kids acted different in rooms painted different colors, as if they could absorb the colors through their skins or non functioning eyes.
In the early 1970s, as a new hospital volunteer we wore pink uniforms since the color is so soothing. Just being near a bunch of cheerful Pink Ladies seemed to have made patients feel better.
The science of color is marvelous, the healing power of color. This is a benign way of helping yourself. The murderous rage of Cabin Fever is due to lack of sunlight, and vanishes with a lot of sunlight. Winter darkness makes us gain weight, summer energy makes us lose it. (I guess I'm very, very close to my fat and it doesn't want to leave, winter or summer.)
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