Old 02-17-2011, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by grann of 6
Originally Posted by susiequilt
Originally Posted by grann of 6
So you know how we fly by the seat of our pants here. Well, I finished all the pinwheels and got them all sewed together ready for sashing and border. Guess what I found out today! Her bed is a full sized not a queen. So she is getting a queen size anyway. It'll just be big. And I started on some smaller pinwheels for a QFK quilt. I'll post either later or tomorrow. I am tired. My DGS was here for the afternoon, early dismissal from school. He needed a bag to hang from his belt for some target playing game he and his friends play, not paint ball. So we got that made; of course my 25 year old snap tool broke on the 2nd snap so I had to improvise. Then we took the dogs out to play. Gus went nuts, and almost broke Heidi's leg on the leash. I am ready for a bubble bath and bed. No more pinwheels tonight.
Don't use a border or only a very small one to keep it smaller for her.
I hope you slept well. You sounded exhausted but what fun having the grandson with you.
Unfortunately, I did not sleep well. Somewhere around 11:30 Heidi decided to come in from the couch to sleep with us (Gus & me). Of course Gus was in her spot so she had to crowd me out to get between us. I finally gave up and came in on the queen size dog bed on the floor and sleep there. My hip was bothering me, which was not helped by the hard mattress on the floor. I slept fairly well till 5:30 when Gus came in with me and thought it was time to get up. We did sleep till 6:15, but I am in great pain in my hip today. Am meeting JDeery tomorrow for a day of shopping or something. Am looking forward to that. Hope my hip feels better.
I'm sorry about that!
As much as I love my dog I will share the bed if I am reading there during the day but I will not ever give up my bed to the dog and sleep on a dog bed!
I have to draw the line somewhere!
Fortunately my dog has short legs even at 24 lbs so that he can't jump up on my high bed.
I am a tosser and turner so we sleep better apart.

Taking off a row or two of pinwheels sounds like a good plan. She can use the pillow cases like shams.

Hope you feel better and have a great day tomorrow with JDeery!
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