Old 02-20-2011, 07:50 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Oak Ridge TN
Posts: 733

I have 2 sons, oldest just turned 31is an irresponsible jack@$$. I am raising his son and have a dog he abandoned locked to a log chain. He called yest to check on the dog...
Youngest just lost his house last fall. Separated from his wife and moved back into my DGS room (his old room) and I now "have the privilege" of watching his child while he works. NO offer of pay because I am raising the other one. He now has a job that he is working 6 =10-12 hr shifts and he started fussing at me about his laundry not being taken out of the washer and dried. I quickly informed him I was not his maid nor his wife and my house was not a free hotel. If he does not like it here he can move out anytime. I also gave him fliers of day cares and told him he had better be checking them out that as soon as the weather got warmer I was going to be Unavailable. He is making money hand over fist and is blowing every penny. Brings home food and hoards it but feels free to raid anything I have in the fridge or pantry. As long as he was needing something he was sweet and helpful now he is just a jerk. Both have gotten above their raising and need to come down a few pegs. They are definitely part of the I deserve so It should be given to me crowd. SIGH...
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