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Old 02-20-2011, 08:52 PM
Fidissimus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Portland, OR.
Posts: 53

When I chose to quit my job to become a full time SAHM a couple of years ago my fabric fund took a nose dive right down to the $0 level. So, what's a quilter to do? Why embrace the spirit of the thing and use what you have! It most certainly hasn't stopped me from quilting, it's just made me get a lot more creative about how to pull all those scraps together. I made both of these in 2010...

This one was probably the most fun quilt I've ever made. Since it's not only a scrap quilt but a charm one as well - it was a bit like a tricky puzzle to put together. I also learned that while I like both yellow and purple I don't apparently buy those fabric colors. I had to beg a few scraps off of friends so I could finish this one up, but I love it.

And this one used up a charm pack of I-Spy fabrics which I bordered in strips from a log cabin I made ages ago. This I-Spy is for my daughter who (while she wishes it was pink) loves the "game quilt" so we're both happy.
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