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Old 02-23-2011, 04:38 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 16

Originally Posted by Leah Stewart
Okay, so, this was not my choice but my sister fell in love with this and I could not say no! LOL. Anyways the question I have is can I put something between the top and the backing to help me make the seems less visible without making it any hotter than the fleece flannel combo? I have a regular cotton backing and did not want to use batting because the baby will be here in July in sunny FLORIDA! Again I will say this material was not my choice, it was just nice to see her happy, her husband and all his family are upset because it is not a boy, like she could control that. I think it is my duty to make this work and I have no idea so I am desperately asking for help!!!! Could I put something like interface between it? Maybe? Ugh, help!!!!! Please!!!! LOL
Love the fabric, I think that is going to be a pain to quilt, have you thought about the old fashioned tying with pearl cotton? Holds together well through lots of washing. Good Luck!
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