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Old 02-23-2011, 07:31 PM
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Location: Spring, Texas
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When we bought ours, it was sad.

As we entered the local Lowes, a boy scout was standing by the door and asked us if we would be interested in buying a "boy scout coupon book". My DH says "I'll look when we come out". (Well, he's staged at the entrance...)

As we exit the local Lowes, the Girl Scouts are at the exit asking if we wanted to buy some Girl Scout cookies. So, although my DH has to order some from a mom at work, (He can't resist little girls) so, we purchase our three favorites.

I say "Oh Dad, what about the Boy Scout?" He says, no I don't want a coupon book. Oh boy... That is so not cool. So we walk over there and poor Scout can't sell him on this coupon book because it just isn't appealing to him. He says "No thanks" and off he goes. Well, that's killing me - DH was a Boy Scout and we have raised two sons - no daughters unfortunately. Lecture time!
He hands me $10 and of course, we now have a coupon book that will get my $10 back but I thought those poor guys - who can compete with those cookies. C'Mon Boy Scout leaders there is so much more you can come up with than a coupon book.

Why do boys have to work so much harder... or is this in preparation for the rejections to come? And why on earth send them out on the same exact week-end or month?

BTW $3.50 here in Houston
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