Thread: I did it!
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Old 02-24-2011, 06:48 AM
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Originally Posted by ginnie6
Originally Posted by OHSue
I have also been bitten by the english PP bug. Check out Cindy McCoy's sitefor some free patterns and tons of instruction.

I also wish folks who complain about not being welcome into a new guild would read your post, sounds like you have some new friends.
thanks for the link......and to be perfectly honest...I am NOT a people person. It takes a long time for me to make friends. Going to these meetings means pushing myself. I could very easily just hide in a corner BUT I'm only going to get out of it what I put into it so I'm going and making myself get involved. I really want some "quilty" friends and this is a good way to make them I think.
What you say just re-enforces what I have commented on other posts about folks not feeling welcome at a new meeting. You have to go outside your comfort zone. When someone says the person next to me never spoke to me, well maybe the person you sat next to is just as shy as you. I feel you get what you give out of an experience. If you see someone with a quilt in their arms, admire it. If you see someone in charge of exchanges, go investigate.
I know that sometimes a guild may not seek out new members, and maybe that makes them a bad host. But no need to be a bad guest, make it a point to speak to at least one person. If that person doesn't respond, seek out someone else. I find it impossible to believe that in any gathering of more than a few people there isn't one friendly person. What harm comes from not being befriended, does that ruin quilting for you? And if we all made our judgements made on a single one would ever try quilting.... because most folks don't perfect that on their first time, either.
Sorry to ramble.
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