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Old 02-24-2011, 07:32 AM
Quilt Mom
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Originally Posted by bluadept
There are only 2 companies that are licensed to make girl scout cookies and except for the traditional 5 cookies type each council can also pick 1-2 additional types.
True. Also true is that the troop gets a percentage, the council gets a percentage, and the baker gets the rest. Each council determines the baker, the cost, and the percentage.

When my girls sold cookies, they went door to door, together. We made a troop day of it. There were sessions of how to approach a customer, present the sale item, etc. The girls learned how to use tact in dealing with people. The sales at the stores are often in addition to the door to door sales. We used those only when the girls had a big trip coming up, and needed extra funds.

I am sorry to hear that some parents don't allow their girls to go out to sell the cookies. It can be a good learning experience for them.

By the way, I recently had a girl come to the door selling cookies. I bought several boxes. (Most will be given away.) Girl Scouts is one organization that allows girls to learn about leadership without the extra social pressures of being in a group with boys. So often in mixed groups, the girls hang back and do nothing because the boys are there. I am willing to support the troops because of those leadership opportunities. My daughters are better leaders for having had the opportunity.

So if you choose to buy cookies or to give a donation, your choice. I have made mine.
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