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Old 02-26-2011, 08:14 AM
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Yesterday was his second vet's or kittiatrician visit. Poor baby wasn't talking to us when he got home. Second worming, stitch removal (4 left, he lost 1), booster shots and chipping. He has stopped eating every morsel, he has realized food will appear on a regular basis.

By last night he was over his snit (I can't really blame him, frankly) and he came to bed and snuggled like the sweetie he is. He is going to shred our quilt, the first I ever did, as he now feels safe enough to attack us under the covers and being a big boy, he does it with gusto :shock: Drew blood on DH at 6 am today.

I can report that he is also now playing with strips of fabric, tho again, he realizes where I'm holding the strip and reaches with those big paws of his and bats at me. I'm glad he feels comfortable enough to relax. He still prefers to sleep on the floor during the day,preferably under the couch or love seat, but I think part of it is DH likes to play rough and I think SR likes to control when he plays. He sure doesn't like having his tummy rubbed, that's a biting offense. He is the first kittie in along time to be a love biter.
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