Old 03-01-2011, 07:57 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Today is the 1st so weigh yourself and write it down........you don't have to tell us your weight but you could if you want to.

I am starting at 178.......when I started the challenge months ago I weighed 209 so weight loss can be done. I didn't lose as much as others however it is still a 30 lb loss. I have 30 -35 more to go. I will again measure myself, I only do my waist. If you do that you can see you might not be losing weight but inches. Muscle weighs more then fat. It gave me the insentive to continue to stick with my diet and exercise. When I started my waist measured 42" it is now 38".

I do pilates as exercise. I have a balance disorder and pilates could be done in bed. There is NO excuse as to not exercise. I started out slow but I am up to exercising twice a day for 20-25 minutes. If you want info on pilates let me know.

Today is a new months and the start of a new you. If you start with the attitude that you WILL do this you will.
Have fun!!!!!!!!!

Missy, Carrie and all the oldies PLEASE, I REPEAT PLEASE be on your best behavior as to not frighten the newbies. Give them at least 4 days before your craziness comes out. I hate to always have to scold you for your behavior. I just don't understand how you all can not control yourself. Have I not taught you anything about self control. Look how good I am!
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