Old 03-01-2011, 08:43 AM
Rita's mom
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Location: Colorful Colorado
Posts: 414

Well this is my third month doing this and I have found 9 pounds! I have went years at my previous weight and hadn't gained anything, now I try to get motivated to loose some of it and I GAIN??? WTH? My goal was to loose most of my weight and be healthier and in better shape by the time I turned 50. I have 1 year and 3 months left to do that in. I just think how much of a dent I could have put into that number in those 2 months if I would just pull my head out!!! Judging by the way I have been feeling and not being able to stand my teenagers and husband I bet hormones are involved in the weight gain. If so then I really better get on the ball and change alot of things!
On a positive note I never really drink soda (diet or regular) it just makes me thirsty. I am more into Iced tea so I think thats is aleast a good thing. (as long as it is decaf. or I would be crawling the walls)Now if I could find out what to do about my chocolate addiction! Anyone have any good suggestions? :)
I think I really need to figure out the mental part of my weight. I know how to loose weight I just don't know how to make myself do it. If you think about it being fat doesn't help me in anyway and it sure doesn't fix all the a##h***s in my life. I am just keeping myself from being able to do things and have a full life! There now I am done with my whine and no I would not like some cheese to go with it.lol

I think the journal is a good idea. It would help me stay motivated. I am not sure what all I would put in it yet. I need to go back to last month and see who was showing us hers. She had alot of good ideas. I would be worried someone would find mine and read it though.
I also just want to thank Tru and all of the people on this thread. I may not have lost yet but I have never had any type of support group before and it has helped alot to see that everyone struggles with alot of the same issues in life and some alot more. So if they can be strong I sure should be able to be. I also think it helps to not try to do everything in life all by yourself!
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