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Old 03-02-2011, 06:25 PM
Farm Quilter
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Cold running water for up to an hour or a bowl of water with ice in it, then cold aloe gel. If that doesn't work within a few hours, go to the hospital, your burns are too severe to do home care.

Do not put butter, soy sauce or anything else like that on the burn, it will contaminate it and could cause an infection.

When I grabbed a casserole dish from the oven without gloves, I burned all 10 of my finger tips - I could not drop the dish, it was dinner so I had to set it down carefully. I did the cold water for an hour then just kept slathering on the aloe gel. When I went to bed I put a thick coat of aloe gel on each finger and wrapped then in gauze to keep the aloe off the bed. Next morning you could not even tell I had been burned and they didn't hurt.

Please let us know what happens!
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