Old 03-04-2011, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by lauriejo
Donna you might want to change what you tell yourself about soda. Speaking for myself, If I say I won't drink Pepsi anymore I absolutely crave it. If I tell myself I just won't have it right now, I don't miss it.

To make a long story longer, when I was in my 20's I was drinking AT LEAST one carton of Pepsi a day. At that time it was the 6 packs of 16 oz bottles. In addition I was not eating much. Most days I would have a pack or two of those cheese and peanut butter crackers. (5'7" and 105 lbs yikes) Needless to say it didn't go well. I ruined my stomach, doctor put me on an ulcer diet. I was on that diet for 3 months, and lost about 10 pounds. I went through hell with the shakes and headaches and the whole nine yards, that went away after about a week. But, I craved Pepsi every minute of every day for three months because I knew I couldn't have it. The food I didn't really care about since I wasn't really eating anyway. To this day, 30 years later, I still have to be careful about what I eat. But, I know I can have a Pepsi anytime I want. So I don't even think about it some days.

Oh and I have never been able to tolerate diet drinks of any kind, so I always drink the regular.
Sounds like you had a hard time.

I wish I could do it your way but I have a history of addictions and I can't tell myself I can have one occasionally because it will literally put me back to square one every single time. I have to go cold turkey or just not go. I hate it but when I get past this withdrawal then I do have the will power to stay away. I know that I am strong enough to keep doing this if I just convince my body and my mind that I am serious. I have to kick my own butt quite often...

I'm past the 48 hour mark. Today I could barely get out of bed. I am headachy and nauseus and very cranky. My muscles are aching and I'm having muscle spasms. I even have a low-grade fever. I feel like I have a bad case of flu. All of this is telling me I should have given the soda up a long time ago. This has been just as harmful to me as smoking was... and drinking... and pot... and etc... I have to just say no.

Too bad we can't do that with food. We have to eat or we die. For someone like me that makes dieting pure H***. That's why I'm glad you guys started this. It makes me feel like I have to be accountable. I'm good at being accountable.

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