Old 03-04-2011, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by remclave
Originally Posted by DonnaD
Originally Posted by lauriejo
Donna you might want to change what you tell yourself about soda. Speaking for myself, If I say I won't drink Pepsi anymore I absolutely crave it. If I tell myself I just won't have it right now, I don't miss it.

To make a long story longer, when I was in my 20's I was drinking AT LEAST one carton of Pepsi a day. At that time it was the 6 packs of 16 oz bottles. In addition I was not eating much. Most days I would have a pack or two of those cheese and peanut butter crackers. (5'7" and 105 lbs yikes) Needless to say it didn't go well. I ruined my stomach, doctor put me on an ulcer diet. I was on that diet for 3 months, and lost about 10 pounds. I went through hell with the shakes and headaches and the whole nine yards, that went away after about a week. But, I craved Pepsi every minute of every day for three months because I knew I couldn't have it. The food I didn't really care about since I wasn't really eating anyway. To this day, 30 years later, I still have to be careful about what I eat. But, I know I can have a Pepsi anytime I want. So I don't even think about it some days.

Oh and I have never been able to tolerate diet drinks of any kind, so I always drink the regular.
Sounds like you had a hard time.

I wish I could do it your way but I have a history of addictions and I can't tell myself I can have one occasionally because it will literally put me back to square one every single time. I have to go cold turkey or just not go. I hate it but when I get past this withdrawal then I do have the will power to stay away. I know that I am strong enough to keep doing this if I just convince my body and my mind that I am serious. I have to kick my own butt quite often...

I'm past the 48 hour mark. Today I could barely get out of bed. I am headachy and nauseus and very cranky. My muscles are aching and I'm having muscle spasms. I even have a low-grade fever. I feel like I have a bad case of flu. All of this is telling me I should have given the soda up a long time ago. This has been just as harmful to me as smoking was... and drinking... and pot... and etc... I have to just say no.

Too bad we can't do that with food. We have to eat or we die. For someone like me that makes dieting pure H***. That's why I'm glad you guys started this. It makes me feel like I have to be accountable. I'm good at being accountable.

Wow! You are describing classic "Carb Flu"! It can be up to two weeks before you start feeling more like yourself.
Two weeks?!! I'm gonna need some help with this. I would go to the doctor but I feel to crappy to make the trip. I gotta go to work like this. They are not going to get much out of me for the next few days. And if I told them that they'd just say I never do anything anyway. I get no respect.....
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