Old 03-05-2011, 02:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Baltimore Maryland
Posts: 84

I'm a both a survior of ovarian cancer in 1989 and a stroke in 2005(whole left side, no speech it was a Ischemic-) there are 3 types of stroke:

Ischemic Stroke:
The most common type of stroke -- accounting for almost 80% of all strokes -- is caused by a clot or other blockage within an artery leading to the brain.

Intracerebral Hemorrhage:

An intracerebral hemorrhage is a type stroke caused by the sudden rupture of an artery within the brain. Blood is then released into the brain, compressing brain structures. This can result in dealth-Most people who have High Blood Pressure and is not aware of it and is not having treatment is more prevailent.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage:

A subarachnoid hemorrhage is also a a type of stroke caused by the sudden rupture of an artery. A subarachnoid hemorrhage differs from a intracerebral hemorrhage in that the location of the rupture leads to blood filling the space surrounding the brain rather than inside of it more common in Women.

There is what is called the GOLDEN HOUR (you have up to 3 hrs after stroke) Ischemic where they use TPA what that does is dissolves clots like making your blood like water)

The other strokes they attempt to stop the bleeding.

After my stroke I had problems with periherial (sp) site-I came back last year-I don't have as much strength in my left hand as I did before-but looking at me you would never know I had a stroke.

Some people have aTIA minnie one which is a WARNING SIGN-no damage to you that would affect you -the only thing that would be noticeable if you had a CT they can see little signs of scarring on your brain that looks like a dot.
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