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Old 03-06-2011, 07:15 AM
kdlingenfelter's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by Rebecca VLQ
Flowers are easy to start from seeds, they just take FOREVER to wanna grow a flower!!!

I think Bachelor Buttons are fast,as well as coleus (not really a flower, but pretty nonetheless!) and Cosmos.

Things that I haven't ever had work from seed:

Chinese Lanterns
I have starting Echinacea (cone Flower) right now from seed It came up first. It reseeds it's self, usually. Chinese Lantern. Grab a piece of root and you will have them FOREVER you can not get rid of them. I planted mine by the road in front of my house and they have now wandered to behind my house 75 feet away I keep trying to get rid of them. Usually takes 1 year to get established then if is off and running.
Suggestion go to public gardens when they clean up in the spring. Volunteer to help (they never turn down help) As they thin out there is always extra that is going to be gotten rid of. They will most likely give you some starts and a lot of advice. Join a group, is as addictive as quilting. I quilt in the cold weather and garden in warm weather.
I'm a Master Gardner 1995 from Mill Creek Park, and a member of Holborn Herb Guild. Medicinal garden is my favorite.
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