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Old 03-11-2011, 09:50 AM
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Originally Posted by ssgramma
Originally Posted by Momsmurf
I'v been thinking of this all evening and frankly I'm wondering why she feels she needs us to give her good reasons to use.

If she has concerns she should address them to her ex.
Who are we to know if there are more serious issues behind her reluctance to willingly let her daughter go. Obviously the GGM is a paternal one.

If I could I'd delete my previous comments so Mom could deal with it on her own.
I don't know her or any of the parties involved., so I have no way of honestly having an opinion.
SHE didn't feel the need at all! This is MY post and I was just curious what a diverse group of people would have to say about the issue.

The Mom IS dealing with it on her own and only mentioned it to me in passing as "can you believe what he wants to let her do now" thing. He is very well know for his irresponsibility so it's nothing new for any of us. She deals with him in an extremely patient and kind manner that he in no way deserves actually.

I completely agree with the portion of the crowd that says it depends on the child and elderly woman. Knowing them both I say no way personally. But it is NOT up to anyone but her Mom and Dad to allow or not quite obviously.

My asking here was curiosity on my part really due to the "dangers" out in the world now. Are they more or less than back when I grew up? I might have liked a London trip when I was 11 but I really no longer want to leave the country.

I found out one thing with this question: I now know which way some of you lean politically :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Thank you for the clarification as to the reason behind the initial posting. I appear to have been guilty of misunderstanding the intent. I still stand by my apology for commenting on something that was clearly none of my business and especially basing an opinion and conclusion on a situation fully without the benefit of full knowledge of everything involved.
But I do have one outstanding question, and I'm curious about your comment regarding the political leaning. Just me.
No response necessary. :)
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