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Old 03-12-2011, 11:15 AM
flosews's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 21

I found a hand-pieced quilt top in my mother's hope chest after she passed away a few years ago. The pattern was "Trip Around the World". The top had to have been somewhere between 50-60 years old as think I recall her talking about working on one before she got married. Prior to that I'd had no real interest in quilting (although I'd been sewing since I was 13), but thought it would be nice to finish it and give to my daughter when she got married. At first I tried to find someone to quilt it for me, but had no luck (just didn't know where to look at the time), so finally decided to do it myself, and I'm so glad I did. I spent the next couple of years learning about quilting, taking classes, and practicing, and at the same time developing a real appreciation for all that goes into the art of quilting, not to mention how much fun it is to shop for fabric. I added the border, binding, batting, backing and then took a deep breath a FMQ'd it. It came out pretty well, if I do say so myself. And it made a wonderful bridal shower gift for my daughter - I put both my mother's name and my name on the quilt label.
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