Old 03-14-2011, 04:25 AM
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Originally Posted by PJisChaos
Originally Posted by Ceil
My best one is to iron binding down before slip-stitching to the back. I no longer need pins.
Ok, really dumb question here but really need to ask.
When I first started quilting, my grandma told me that after layering her quilts, she then ironed the sandwich to smooth it all out quickly. I thought, cool beans! sounds like a easy solution. Tried it on a quilt that had high-loft batting and it flattened that thing flatter than a pancake! I was horrified and ended up tossing the whole thing out, thinking I had just ruined the fluff I really wanted. Have never tried to iron anything with batting in it again. Does it go back to being fluffy after ya wash it, I guess is what I'm on about.
Do not iron anything with synthetic batting in it. Cotton will flatten a bit but not a lot. That's probably what your grandma used. I do my ironing before layering.
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